
Improving orebody knowledge with high-resolution rock strength characterization using the Minpraxis Tester

November 23, 2023 | Publications

“The Minpraxis Tester (MPT) is a compression-breakage test device that treats half-core samples continuously length-wise, providing a high degree of rock characterization in comparison to conventional methods. Furthermore, it is able to extract this information while operating as a crusher when used in a conventional assay preparation workflow. This expands the characterized volume of a […]

Using Piston Press Tests for Determining Optimal Energy Input for an HPGR Operation

July 21, 2016 | HPGR Evaluation

Multiple trade-off studies have shown that grinding circuits with high pressure grinding rolls (HPGR) can be more energy efficient than the circuits with semi-autogenous (SAG) mills. However, such studies are difficult to conduct because the current practice of sizing and selecting the HPGR requires large samples for pilot-scale testing that are expensive and difficult to […]

An Energy Benchmarking Model for Mineral Comminution

July 10, 2016 | Energy Conservation

A method for determining the minimum practical energy for comminution was developed and is presented in this paper. An objective of the method was to determine experimentally the energy-breakage relationship for a wide size range in order to evaluate the energy performance of both crushing and grinding processes using one energy benchmarking value. Single-particle compression […]

Energy Benefits of Implementing Drill-to-Mill Strategies in Open-Pit Copper Mines

July 1, 2016 | Energy Conservation

Over the last 10 years the benefits of optimizing both blast designs and operation of crushing and grinding processes, also known as drill-to-mill optimization, have been shown at a number of mining operations. Significant improvements in production and revenue potential are typically associated with the successful implementation of drill-to-mill strategies. Less information is available on […]