The Minpraxis Tester provides geometallurgical parameters essential for mill design and production planning

The Minpraxis Tester (MPT) continuously measures rock strength, providing critical data for crushing and grinding (comminution) parameters while operating as a crusher within a conventional assay preparation workflow. By capturing high-resolution strength data at a local scale (~1 cm) and testing samples as they are prepared for assay, the MPT delivers a significant increase (+100) in characterization data that industry-standard methods do not capture.

The MPT provides geometallurgical parameters along samples, including:

  • Drop-weight type indices including DWi and Axb
  • SAGDesign Testing (SDT)
  • Bond Ball Mill Work Index (BBWi) using deposit-specific models

Why measure the crushing and grinding properties of resource core?

  • Make the Most of Available Samples and Drilling Budget – Improve data density without additional sampling costs by capturing comminution properties directly from resource core.

  • Improve the Spatial Distribution of Data and Orebody Knowledge – Good spatial coverage enables the use of more sophisticated orebody modeling methods that better represent ore variability and processing behavior.

  • Prevent Surprises and Appropriately Design a Mill for the Orebody – Standard approaches have led to mischaracterization, resulting in underperforming mills, production losses, and unplanned CAPEX. Early comminution data helps mitigate these risks and supports better mill design decisions.

Generates high-resolution and rapid geometallurgical data while preparing for assay or during focused testing

Either half-core or lump samples, the MPT generates results rapidly without the need for sieving product samples

Brings geometallurgical and geotechnical tests together into a single, focused program to better predict rock behaviour while making better use of samples

Proven capability to predict Axb and BBWi


Global Axb and DWi models


Deposit specific BBWi models